Public Hearing rescheduled for Oc. 21/08.

On Aug 25/08, Council finally released Genstar’s proposed 1400+ unit phase one plan and the Phased Development agreement (PDA) with Genstar.  Council also passed a resolution that the remaining 867 acres of Genstar Madison lands will be considered as the “preferred next phase” in the development of Silverdale. The PDA agreement was subsequently rescinded and an amended agreement was adopted Sept.2/08.  Such indications that this 20 year legally binding agreement is being created on the fly is worrisome to say the least.  

Council has announced that the public hearing for both the plan and the PDA will be Oct. 21/08- a mere 3 1/2 weeks before the municipal election. How can meaningful public scrutiny and debate occur when Mission Council is so determined to approve the massive first phase of the development before the municipal election Nov. 15/08, that they have reduced this critically important opportunity for public input to a meaningless box ticking exercise? 

When those with power cease to act responsibly, ordinary citizens must take responsibility for the future of our community.  To even consider holding the public hearing for the biggest development project in Mission’s history in the dying days of their mandate reveals just how little Mission Council is interested in the views of residents.  Does council intend to restrict input from citizens to accommodate this political timeline or do they merely intend to disregard what the public has to say?

AMMENDUM: The answer to our question is BOTH.

CAUSS has learned that Mission Council has just voted to restrict public presentations at the public hearing to 12 minutes/person.  Those who have more in depth comments will be asked to defer the remainder of their presentation until all others have spoken, at the end of the hearing   (late item Sept. 2/08).

CAUSS has also learned that the 20 year legally binding Phased Development Agreement has already been submitted to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval- without the benefit of any public consultation in advance of the public hearing. Even more shocking, on Oct.6/08, Genstar and Madison both submitted letters to Mission Council that the proposed PDA is NOT VIABLE for them.   If the financial comittments included in the PDA are being rejected by the developers, guess who will be paying the costs?Â