
What CAUSS has accomplished in the last six years

CAUSS persuaded the District of Mission (DOM) to recess the Public Hearing for the Official Community Plan (OCP) change in Southwest Mission for one year because the DOM did not supply all the relevant documentation and information to the public as required under the Municipal Act.

CAUSS obtained a legal opinion regarding the original plan to amend the OCP for lands not owned by the developer. As a result, the DOM reduced the OCP amendment from 3400 acres to 1400 acres (the developer’s property). The requirement for environmental mapping of the entire 3400-acre site was maintained.

CAUSS formally participated in creating the Silverdale Terms of Reference policy (LAN.48), hailed as a landmark document by Council members and senior government officials. LAN.48 is the first of its kind in the Fraser Valley. It was designed to ensure safeguards are in place to protect environmentally sensitive areas, streams and wildlife, and included provisions to ensure a transparent public process is in place to guide development planning.

CAUSS successfully lobbied Mission Council to adopt Streamside Protection Regulations (SPR) instead of Riparian Area Regulations (RAR). SPR is more stringent in protecting streams and groundwater than RAR.

After receiving reports form the public that the developer was actively logging before the mandatory environmental studies and mapping were completed CAUSS documented and reported the logging to the District. Council responded by adopting a Tree Protection Policy to prohibit logging in the study area.

CAUSS has assisted the District in development of an Environmental Charter and the DOM Social development policy. We have advocated for preservation of lands in the Agricultural land reserve.

CAUSS has made presentations to Lifetime learning on the importance of wildlife trees and has facilitated two philosopher’s cafes on sustainable development and ethics in planning.

CAUSS has submitted formal correspondence to the DOM in regard of concerns about recent erosions of the environmental safeguards in LAN. 48. There is no provision in the LAN. 48 for a peer review process, yet without public consultation, Council has adopted a peer review of studies completed by the developer’s consultants. These studies determine which areas are developable and which are to be conserved. Without any consultation with the public and prior to a review by the environmental ministries, Council adopted a work plan written by the developer’s consultants that permits less stringent RAR methodology to determine stream setbacks.