CAUSS submitted the following letter to all three local papers. Only the record printed the letter, but chose to edit all references to broken promises made by Randy Hawes.
To the Editor,
When did time stop being of the essence? Mission residents will recall the dizzying pace with which the plan for Silverdale’s Neighborhood One was created. The Neighborhood Planning Advisory Committee had to double the frequency of its meetings to keep up with the haste. Mission council had no time to address environment ministry concerns, passing the terms of reference for the environmental studies before ministry comments were received. Council went as far as formally complaining to the provincial and federal government that the Ministry scientists were not reviewing genstar’s documents quickly enough. Mission council also had no time to address the myriad of questions and concerns brought up by residents during the 8 day long public hearing including impacts to their wells, the consequences of demands on Mission’s already taxed city water supply, and the complete lack of a risk management analysis for the city. Instead, haste and hurry ruled the day culminating in a rush to pass third reading of the bylaws 3 days before Christmas. Liberal MLA Randy Hawes defended the incumbent council’s haste and disregard for its citizens’ interests in an add, posted days before the municipal election, by promising everyone that genstar would pay for millions in amenities. But then, just when the next step in planning required the developers to deliver commitments within 15 days of adoption of the bylaws, the essence of time appears to have ended. Mission has confirmed that the developers failed to meet their first obligation under the Phased Development Agreement and are now months overdue. Clearly, the essence of time ended when it came to delivering what Mission council and Mr. Hawes promised on behalf of the developers.
Tracy Lyster